Procrastination Buster: Here's the Foward Momentum You Crave

There are two “P” words that can cause strong positive or negative reactions. 


Procrastination is that uninvited guest that overstays its welcome and says, "Hey, I'm here to ruin your plans!" 

If procrastination has held you back, you’re gonna love the simple, effective techniques in this post because it wipes out procrastination in seconds.

Procrastination happens when we want what we want RIGHT NOW… and it makes us lose sight of what we want in the long run.

When we do nice things for our “long run” self, we set our future self up to have even more amazing “right now” experiences than we can currently imagine. 

You might be surprised to discover that procrastination is NOT the same as laziness.

Procrastination happens when certain emotions, habits, and mindsets mix together. 

So if there was a simple way to rewire those emotions, habits, and mindsets to stop procrastination, would you be interested?

Step 1 is to switch your 3 B’s

  • Body Language
  • Breathing
  • Belief 

The 3 B’s are the basis for effective self-hypnosis. And if you deal with procrastination, I promise you’re already using the 3 B’s to hypnotize yourself for procrastination. 

Since you’re unintentionally already great at this, this seconds-long technique lets you DO IT ON PURPOSE so you can live the life you WANT instead of taking what life throws at you. 

When you feel like procrastinating, don’t beat yourself up. 

Don’t TRY to get yourself motivated.

Just change the 1st “B”, your Body Laguage, into an energetic pose. Think about how a person would sit or stand if they were excited to start something they’ve been looking forward to. Get into THAT posture. Perhaps even leaning forward slightly… as if you’re excited about moving into the future. 

The second B is BREATH. Think about how a happily excited person breathes. There’s a good chance that their energetic breath has a stronger emphasis on the INHALE than the exhale. They’re breathing in enthusiastically. 

This morning I sat in the sauna after my workout. I counted my inhale and exhale and was sure to make the inhale longer and stronger. I was setting myself up for a productive day as I used the breathing pattern of forward momentum.

And here comes the fun part…

Before we go to the 3rd B, shall we take a moment to explore daydreaming with a purpose? Close your eyes and vividly imagine yourself being DONE with the thing you were tempted to procrastinate on. 

Picture the victory dance that comes from being a productivity rockstar.

Don’t think about the process… just think about the amazing “I did it!” feeling that comes when it’s done…

Did you know that we automatically re-create what we celebrate? So celebrate having done it!

Now that you’ve imagined the sweet success of completion, it’s time to bring in the 3rd B.

The 3rd B is Belief, which simply means “self-talk”... the words you say to yourself. Often without even realizing you’re thinking them.

When you congratulate yourself for already completing that task, what do you SAY to yourself? 

It might be as simple as, “I did it!” or even “Yes!” 

HINT: Keep the 3rd B simple for maximum results. 

The more you think about the positive feelings and benefits of ALREADY being done with that activity, the easier it becomes. 

Ok, guess what you just did, {{first_name}}?

By switching your 3 B’s you plugged in one of the most powerful self-hypnosis techniques known to mankind. 

As a bonus, it’s also one of the quickest and most simple techniques. 

You just programmed your subconscious mind… the automatic part of you… to remember to forget to procrastinate. You infused yourself with a strong desire to DO THE THING!

No willpower required.

When a person procrastinates, it often happens because they’re overwhelming themselves by thinking about ALL THE STEPS involved. 

But since you just vividly imagined being DONE, you programmed in all those steps… and maybe even steps you hadn’t thought about… into your subconscious mind.

So you’re gonna be amazed by how motivated you feel to keep doing that next thing as you MOVE TOWARD IT’S COMPLETION.

Have you ever thought about the fact that you can only BE HERE NOW… and when you’re thinking about what’s next it detracts from the awesomeness of this moment. 

So after you change your 3 Bs, your next step is to ONLY think about the next step… or the step you’re on if you’ve already started.

Because each step creates something magical. 

It’s called “Momentum,” and momentum makes it so easy to keep moving forward until you’re DONE!

One-thing-at-a-time is the secret sauce. It's like turning a HUGE cake into cupcakes.

When you chop that big project into small, manageable pieces, you get to feast on productivity cupcakes. 

Every time you’re tempted to procrastinate, you can step right into PRODUCTIVITY and forward momentum with these 2 simple steps… in this order:

1. Shift your 3 B’s, Body Language, Breathing, and Belief (or self-talk)


2. Focus ONLY on the next thing you need to do to get there, or on the thing you’re doing if you’ve already started. 

One. Thing. At. A. Time.

One of the things you’ll love most is how you’re not just moving, you’re becoming the super-hero of your own story. You’re creating magical moments of bliss for your future self.

I double dare you to decide WHEN you’re going to use this technique later today or tomorrow. 

You can even watch the video above and have me guide you through it right now.

If you liked this simple, effective technique, you’ll love the Answer Room hypnosis audio because it illuminates the path you’ve been desperately seeking. If you’re ready to sit back, relax, let go of trying, and program your subconscious mind to give you the clear answer to the questions and options you’ve been pondering, you can get immediate, free access below.

 Enjoy this game-changing tip!

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