Hypnosis Scripts Group Hypnosis Weight Loss WEIGHT LOSS WITHOUT WILLPOWER

Savor Food MORE and Easily Eat LESS

Even if you hate wasting food.

Do you struggle to stop eating when you know you've had enough?

Do you feel like it's wrong to waste food?

This short cheat sheet gives you a foolproof formula that lets you easily push away extra food, and feel good doing it.

If you're the kind of person who feels like it's wrong to waste food, I highly recommend watching the short video below right now. 

Don't watch past 7 minutes because this is a video from my 30 day program and the stuff at the end won't make much sense.


The three step formula is below the video so make sure you scroll down after you watch. 

Hypnosis to STOP using your body as a trash can

Don't watch unless you're ready to feel good about throwing food in the trash instead of throwing it away in your body.


Click here if you'd like to know more about my proven 30 day weight loss program.



3 Steps to Feel Great about Eating Less:

Step 1: The 5-Second Pause

Pick up your first bite of food. Hold it for a moment and pause. Really look at the bite and think to yourself...

"I am present and I am easily satisfied."

Step 2:  Program Yourself to Eat Less

You may be surprised to know you're already programming yourself. 

You may have been programming yourself for failure by telling yourself not to overeat which just makes you want to overeat even more. 

Fears are like wishes. Being afraid of eating too much makes you more likely to do it!

The solution?

Shift your self-talk! 

Say, "It's easy to walk away from extra food."

Then imagine yourself putting the extra food away or throwing it away when you've had just enough.

This imagination exercise is your new wish so it becomes easy to actually do it. 

Try it even if it seems too simple and even if you don't believe it yet. 

Step 3: ACT like you're done

This one's a little weird, but there's a ton of science behind why it works. 

Use BODY LANGUAGE to send an "I'm content" signal to the brain.

Here's how to do it:

Partway through the meal, physically push the food away from you. 

Lean back. 

Make a disgusted face and think or say out loud....

"Ugh, I just couldn't eat another bite!"

You'll be shocked by how well this works. 

Here's how you can be sure to remember to use this 3 step formula:

Right now, imagine having your next meal. 

Imagine yourself...

  • Pausing with your first bite and saying, "I'm easily satisfied."

  • Pushing the food away and making a face at it and saying, "I've had enough!"

  • Putting extra food away or throwing it away when you've had the appropriate amount to maintain your desired weight.

By rehearsing this now, you're training your body and mind to remember to use this effective formula next time you eat.

I'd love to hear how you like these tips. Try them out then email me at [email protected] and tell me your story. 

If you want even more support, check out my Weight Loss Without Willpower Program.


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