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Learn 3 simple steps to turn off cravings and stay on track. Zero willpower required. 

3 Steps to Stop Cravings

Here's a link to the Facebook live video explaining the steps below. 

Have food cravings derailed your diet?

Do you struggle to eat right because of negative thoughts?

When a person experiences cravings it means they're thinking about something they want but don't have.

Cravings mean you are planning a future event (eating) which means you're not living in the present moment. 

Use these 3 simple steps next time you notice yourself craving junk food.

STEP 1. Use the "off switch" of present moment awareness. 

Notice 3 things you SEE.

Notice 3 things you HEAR.

Notice 3 things you FEEL.

This brings you into the present moment and OUT of the craving. 

STEP 2. Ask this magic question. "How do I WANT to feel instead?"

Really start to narrate what you want.

You CREATE what you NARRATE. 

STEP 3. Turn the answer to #2 into a Mantra.

MANTRA: A statement that, when repeated over time becomes a new belief or way of being. 

 As you begin to describe the way you want to feel about your relationship with food, turn this into an "I AM" statement. 

For example: "I want to feel in control. I want to feel content" 


"I AM in control."

"I AM content."

HINT: If this feels too hard to believe say, "I like the idea that I can be in control/content." This makes it easier to accept your new positive mantra. 

You already know that 2 things cannot occupy the same space at the same time so as you repeat this thought in your head it will keep old, dis-empowering thoughts out. 


Did you find this Cheat Sheet helpful? 

Would you like a simple, proven program that lets you easily manage your weight?

If so, I have an online program that's helped many people like you. 

You can learn about it here. 


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