Did you know that anyone can be hypnotized if they do this?  

By Lori Hammond

Coach and Professional Hypnotist. Giving you simple tools to stop overwhelm and harness joyful forward momentum.

A couple of years ago I was both surprised and delighted to find myself in the deepest trance of my life.


I had told myself, "I'm not good at going into a trance."


If I had a dollar for every time I've heard a hypnotist say that!


Or this one...


"I'm too analytical to go into a trance."


When my friend and colleague, Laura Mekola, offered to hypnotize me I jumped at the opportunity.


Her offer came just after my chiropractor friend said...


"I'd be an absolute fraud if I didn't practice what I preach by getting regular adjustments myself."


That statement shook up my belief that it was a sign of failure to ask another hypnotist to hypnotize me.

Wouldn't that prove I haven't arrived?


So my analytical, overthinking self sat in my office in Denver, Colorado...


While Laura weaved together words that moved my mind and body into a state of deep, healing bliss and relaxation...


...from across the country in California. 


That trance taught me 2 life changing lessons....

Lesson 1: The following ‘wonder questio’n turns off my analytical mind and creates a deep trance...


 "Hmmm, I wonder if I CAN go into a deep trance?"


HINT: Go through the motions and PRETEND to be in a trance and it will happen. 


Your body doesn't know the difference between real and pretend.


Lesson 2: I can be blissed out and have no idea what's going on WHILE my unconscious mind generates healing


This one can be a tough pill to swallow for a recovering perfectionist who really likes trying to figure out how to heal myself. 


A girl's gotta work for it right? 




A hypnotic trance is all about you chilling out while the part of you that knows the things you don't know you know does the healing.


And that's  your takeaway for this week's cheat sheet. 


It's ridiculously simple but I double dare you to try it.


The next time you want to experience a deep, healing trance do these 2 things:


  1. Pretend to be in a deep trance while you think these words to yourself, "Hmmm, I wonder if I CAN go into a deep trance?"


  1. Don't TRY to do anything. Just ask your unconscious mind, "Will you fix this for me?" then bliss out and relax.


Have a beautiful week!




Join Lori's Next Group Hypnosis Session

Do you feel lonely and need to connect?

Are you struggling and need extra support and guidance?

Join me for a deeply relaxing, enjoyable group hypnosis session this coming Tuesday. 

Experience healing in the place where struggle used to be.

I'd love to see you there!


Next Session Starts Soon!