The Wonder Woman Formula:

This is part 2 of another post. If you missed it, you can click here to read it.

Today you're going to spend 3 minutes to write a recipe of the behavior you WANT to use instead of the old one.

Trust me, this might just be the most valuable 3-minute investment you've ever made.

Grab a piece of paper and pen and do this right now (I'm bossy because I care):

1. Think about the recipe you wrote yesterday and ask, "What would I like to do instead?"

It is vitally important that you only talk about what you WANT to do and not what you want to stop doing.

Example: "Instead of mindless snacking, I will use my "Focus" recipe."

Do not say, "I won't think about potato chips."

When you think about what you don't want to think about, it just makes you think about it more.

(Think about that.)

Did you think about potato chips when you read the sentence about not thinking about potato chips?

2. Write a recipe for the behavior you WANT to experience instead of the one you wrote in this exercise.

Here's an example: Feel free to try it while you read. Notice how good you are at creating the FOCUS recipe.

FOCUS Recipe


1. Look up! Sit/stand up straight and relax your shoulders.

2. Take deep, invigorating breaths.

3. Think how good it's going to feel to be done!

4. Tell yourself, "Nope, I'm not going to run the mindless snacking recipe. I'm GREAT at focusing. I can do this."

Ok, I know this seems simple and maybe even a little silly.

But I DOUBLE DARE you to actually do it!

Right now.

Something magical happens when you make a recipe for the behavior you're ready to change and the behavior you want to adopt instead.

It triggers your unconscious mind to flip a switch in situations that used to cause mindless snacking (or whatever your old behavior was).

This lets your brain know WHEN to trigger the new recipe. The key is silly imagination.


When I did this exercise, it gave me a breakthrough "AHA" moment that let me easily recognize how I had been keeping myself stuck.

And it helped me flip a switch that let me immediately stop self-sabotage and step into my ability to accomplish my goal.

I'd love for you to email me at [email protected] and tell me how well this worked for you.

I'm sending you all my love. I'm looking you in the eye and saying, "You've got this!"

Create your own recipe.

Create your own life.