Cliff Ravenscraft

Confidence is not needed to get started, only courage

This interview with Cliff is a masterclass on getting in front of your ideal client so you can make a real difference in the world.

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The Answer Room


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The Answer Room Audio:

More information on Cliff’s Clubhouse:

Cliff’s keynote presentation:

Coaching with Cliff:

The Prosperous Coach by Rich Litvin and Steve Chandler:

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks:


My Gift To You ❤

Here's my powerful hypnosis audio, THE ANSWER ROOM, that lets you find clarity and direction for important decisions. 


Transcript of this episode

Please note: This is an auto-generated transcript and will have errors. I think you will still find it helpful. 

0 (0s):
If you were haunted and harassed by your own inner critic, if you've ever been curious about why hypnosis
works so well, if you're a seasoned hypnotist, or if you suspect that the inner critic is actually hypnotizing you
to hold back from reaching the greatness that you know, deep down is inside you, lean in and get inspired to
get out of your comfort zone and create your one precious life with purpose and intention. If you like this
show, you'll love my powerful hypnosis audio, the answer room, because it gives you crystal clear guidance
and direction and illuminates an ingenious way to make triumphant decisions.
0 (48s):
No matter how stuck you feel or how confused you were. This powerful hypnosis audio is my gift to you.
When you go to the imposter again, that's the imposter Don't forget the, the, the
imposter And yes, I'm done saying it. Thank you. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart for
listening. I'm Lori Hammond, and I'm truly grateful for you. Welcome.
1 (1m 19s):
I have such a special treat for you today. I have been listening to today's guest, speak in clubhouse for
several weeks. Now. He's always the first person I look for. When I look to see what rooms are open, what,
what discussions are going on. And he has delivered such massive value in these clubhouse rooms that I
am so lucky. And you are so lucky to have him speak today. I think you're going to get massive value from
this episode. Cliff Ravenscraft is a business mentor, professional coach and motivational speaker. His focus
is to help you break free from any beliefs or behaviors that were holding you back from living the life of your
dream and doing the work you feel most called to do in the world.
1 (2m 4s):
In November, 2015, cliff made a commitment to work out six days a week, every week for the rest of his life.
In December, 2017, he made a decision to give up all sugar for the rest of his life. As a result, he burned off
over 100 pounds of body fat and built well over 20 pounds of pure muscle mass cliff has learned what's
necessary to create change that lasts in mindset and human behavior. And he applied it to every area of his
life. In January, 2008, cliff left an extremely lucrative career to build an online business where he became the
world's leading authority on podcasting as the podcast answer, man, where he trained more than 40,000
people on those successful launch of their podcast in September, 2017, cliff made a decision to shut down
100% of all income streams from a half million dollar per year business so that he could focus all of his work
time, effort, and energy on his passion today.
1 (3m 10s):
Cliff experiences greater fulfillment and profitability than he ever dreamed imaginable. Professionally cliff
coaches, others, where he has the incredible honor of going on a journey with his clients as they create the
life of their dreams. Be sure to check out the notes below this episode, to see how you can work with cliff. I
believe you are going to find today's podcast episode with cliff as a masterclass in moving forward, silencing
the imposter monster and living the life of your dreams. Enjoy this episode, cliff, thank you so much for being
here today.
2 (3m 46s):
Well, thank you, Lori. I'm so excited to be here.
1 (3m 51s):
I, my audience, I think will really, really benefit from your expertise. I've been in several clubhouse rooms
with you recently, and as I explained them in the intro, that's how you and I met and you just give massive
value. And one of the things that you have talked about that has impacted me the most is talking about the
idea of charging, what you're worth I've started. I've borrowed your expression of notes of appreciation,
asking for notes of appreciation in exchange for value. And I've recently read the book that you
recommended the prosperous coach. You recommended that on a call and I bought it immediately. And it
was just life-changing. So if you would just talk a little bit of along the lines, whatever kind of comes to mind
for you, what what's on your heart for talking to people who are maybe afraid to charge what they're worth.
2 (4m 40s):
Oh, wow. So there are so many things that I could talk about when it comes to people who are afraid to
charge what they're worth. Well, first of all, it comes down to making a determination. What are you worth?
What is it, what does it mean to work with you? And I recognize that you have people who are in various
different stages in their journey, and I might be helpful just for a moment to choose one in particular. Let let's
just say somebody who is going through the certification program, they've just been trained how to hypnotize
people and they haven't yet been paid to do it. And the question is like, oh my gosh, I get, is it safe to make
some assumptions that in their training process, in their certification, that they know that they are able to
quote unquote, effectively hypnotize someone, is that safe to assume
1 (5m 31s):
It is safe to assume? I think, I think we all kind of have our doubts deep down. Is it really this easy? Does it
really work? But we've had evidence. We've had people say, thank you and we've witnessed transformation,
but I think many, many of the people listening might be still a little afraid to acknowledge the awesomeness
of what they do.
2 (5m 51s):
So the first thing that comes to my mind is having the courage to invite people into a hypnotherapy session.
That's the, and I'm just going to replace hypno or coaching with hypnotherapy because I'm not necessarily a
trained hypnotherapist or anything of that nature, but I am a coach. And so I, I talk to people all the time
about inviting people into a coaching session, but let's just keep it very industry specific for you. So the first
thing that I would do is I would invite people into some hypnotherapy sessions. And at first I would do it for
free just to what what I would do is get up the courage to invite somebody into some free hypnotherapy
sessions, choose ahead of time, the type of work that you want to do, the type of issues you want to help
people overcome, or, or the, the type of things that you want to help them achieve, create for yourself a list
of the types of issues that you would like to cover in your hypnotherapy sessions, have a create an idea of
who are the type of clients that you would ultimately like to have pay you money to do these things.
2 (6m 60s):
Kind of what I like to do is Tony Robbins calls this know your ultimate outcome, create an in your picture of
where you want to be. Well, I want to help this type of person overcome or achieve these types of things.
Okay, great. Now that, and I want to be paid for it. All right. And so make that your ultimate outcome. Now,
once you know your ultimate outcome, you have to decide, I, first of all, I believe it's possible. And if you
have challenges with that, you might want to go and, and maybe have somebody sit down with you in a
hypnotherapy session and work on that. But to number one, belief that it's possible that one day you will get
paid for this and make a decision today.
2 (7m 43s):
This will happen. Matter of fact, even before you begin inviting people into your first sessions, even free
ones, I would actually write down on a piece of paper. I will be a paid hypnotherapist helping this type of
client with these types of issues. And I will have my first paid session by, and then fill in the blank with a date,
whatever you feel comfortable with for that date. But you must put a deadline and you must absolutely
decide. And the word decide by the way means to kill any other option other than what you've chosen. So
the word side in the original Latin form CID is to kill pesticide homocide, all of those other sides.
2 (8m 28s):
And so now you are deciding you're cutting off killing any other outcome other than exactly what your
ultimate outcome is. Now, once you have determined, this is who I want to help. This is how I want to help
them or what I want to help them with. I've made the decision. I'm going to get paid by this date. Now, what
are some actions that you can take within the next seven days? That'll get you closer to that goal. Now I'm
not going to suggest that you jump into the deep end of the entrepreneurial pole and you immediately go ask
somebody to pay you, quote, unquote, your amazing professional fees, you know, w $2,500 for a session.
Come on, sign up now it's okay.
2 (9m 10s):
I, if I may, I'll give you permission to go invite some people and do this for free, but I would recommend that
the choosing the people that you choose to do it for free are not your, your cousin, your, your brother, your
sister, your mom, and dad know you must have the courage. You do not need the confidence. By the way,
you only need the courage to go find somebody who meets the description that you've just written down. I
will have these T this type of person pay me this money. You must go find those people and just
communicate to them. And you might mess it up a couple of times. You may actually feel so incompetent.
2 (9m 51s):
And so you may have such a lack of confidence that, that people don't want anything to do with you. And it's
okay. It's okay to fall on your face. I want to give you permission to fall on your face, to fail miserably at
inviting somebody to a free session and still have them say, no. I know that rejection is never easy, but this is
just a fact of life. You're, you're going to be met with rejection. At some point down the road, you might as
well just go ahead and get used to it. It's okay. And the fact that somebody rejects you is not speaking to
your quote unquote worthiness.
2 (10m 33s):
It is only speaking to whether it's your level of skill. It's your level of communication. It's your level of
confidence. And it could be a little bit of a level of competence, but it's not actually speaking to your nature of
who you are. The reality is we all start somewhere. We all, we don't just wake up one morning and we are
this professional super successful financially secure person. No, we, we all start somewhere and anybody
that's on your dream list as a potential customer, I promise you, they all started somewhere where they felt
exactly the way that you're feeling. And you'll be shocked at how many people available.
2 (11m 16s):
That will sense your level of hesitation and, and your meagerness. If I, or your hesitancy, that that will be
communicated through your voice because you're nervous, but they will send to your courage and truly
successful. People would be willing if they, if they have the margin and the time, and they have a desire to
serve you. And many people will, by the way, people are incredible. Human beings are genuinely helpful
people. We have a desire to serve others. And so occasionally you're going to come across somebody who
is in your target, ideal customer audience, and you're going to offer them this service for free.
2 (11m 55s):
And maybe it's the fourth or fifth or sixth person that you've invited to into a free session after getting no after
no after no, you get that one person that says yes, and then you get a freak out at a whole new level. And it's
okay because we all, we all do that. We all freak out at the newest level. I am at a place right now. I average
I do 90 minute one-on-one coaching sessions. And I get paid somewhere. At this point, the lowest I get paid
is $1,500 a session. The most I've been paid is I think it's close to $5,000 for a 90 minute session. But every
single time I get somebody who is more successful than I've ever met before.
2 (12m 37s):
I always, I still get the butterflies. I'm like, oh my gosh, who am I to think that I could coach this person? And,
and we still have that. We have, what's called our upper limit problem. You know, who am I to do this? Who
am I to do that? If you struggle with those sorts of issues, there's a great book called the big leap by gay
Hendricks, which is a powerful read in and of itself. But once you get somebody in, then what you do is you,
you serve them and don't expect on a scale of one to 10 for you to have a 10 out of 10 session. Don't even
expect an eight out of 10 session. I mean, if you actually do your first, I mean, if you follow this plan here and
I, I want you to understand I'm very specific.
2 (13m 21s):
You actually, number one, you decided you made a clear picture in your mind. These are the type of clients I
want to pay me. These are the type of issues that I want to work with them in a hypnotherapy session, you
have to be very clear. Don't be so vague and broad that you choose everyone. You've got a specific group of
people. It can be entrepreneurs. It doesn't have to be. I want Christian female entrepreneurs who are
between the ages of, I don't mean that. I just mean that you want a professional high achiever person who is
either a self-employed business owner or a corporate leader or something. You choose a pretty, a desirable,
a desirable paid client.
2 (14m 4s):
You have to do that. You have to go through, do you believe it's possible? Yes. I will be paid by such and
such date. You have the deadline you go through and you invite only those type of people only offering to
help with those types of issues. And if you do all of this and you've never done one of these sessions before
paid or otherwise for somebody who is that exact, I would suspect that your first one's going to be about a
three or a four out of 10. Now you're going to be afraid that it's going to be a one out of 10. And I got to tell
you right now that that's just not possible. And let me give you some encouragement about how you're going
to get at least a three out of 10. All right. And I'm going to, I'm just being facetious so I can set your, your
expectations low, because you're going to be much higher than that.
2 (14m 49s):
Laurie, let me ask you this. Have you ever heard of the theory, do they teach this in hypnotherapy sessions?
I don't believe so. So the lampposts therapy session at our therapy theory says this, the average human
being could drastically improve their mental health by simply at the end of the day, walking to the end of the
street and speaking out loud, everything that's going through their mind, talking to a lamppost. If they were to
do that once a week or twice a month, just go and go to the end of the street and just listen. There's nobody
else around.
2 (15m 29s):
It's just me and the lamppost. And I'm going to speak out loud, everything that's going on my mind, what my
fears are, what I've been thinking about going after my dreams, my goals, my limiting beliefs. I'm just going
to speak out loud to this lamppost. If a human being were to just go talk to a lamppost and say things out
loud, once a week, twice a month, even once a month, their life would be exponentially better within 90 days.
Wow. Now, first of all, knowing what you know about helping people, do you understand and believe that
principal Laurie? Absolutely. So here's what I can tell you. That person who goes and talks to a lamppost
consistently is exponentially going to see major benefits in their life.
2 (16m 18s):
And I promise you at the very least, you can show up and be a lamppost.
1 (16m 24s):
I love that. And Atlanta post doesn't have the intention to help someone. I think there's something just about
having that intention. Yes.
2 (16m 32s):
So the thing is, is as long as your desire is to serve someone, the fact that you're just the fact that you've
created a space for them to speak out loud to somebody that's holding an environment open for them to
discuss what's on their mind. That in itself is already, I mean, you're already at a three or four as, as far as
your effectiveness of helping that person. And the, and the thing is, is you've been trained. You've got some
skills, you've got some techniques, and now you're going to begin to implement them. And you may not
implement them perfectly. You may get through and say, you know what? This worked in the two or three
times. I practiced this with my course that I went through, but this didn't work on this client.
2 (17m 14s):
Well, that's great. That's a wonderful number one. You don't have to offer a refund because they didn't pay
you anything. You don't have to be super embarrassed. You can choose to say, listen, I'm new at this. And I
don't know why this didn't work. It was supposed to work, but I'll tell you what, let let's just continue on and
talk. And, and, you know, just be that lamppost for them re finish up your session. But man, what a gift, this
is to you and all of your future paid clients. Now that you've actually got a new distinction. It's like, wait a
second. I did everything I thought by the textbook and it didn't work out. What did I do? You go back and you,
so this is all by the way, I'm stealing everything that I'm telling you.
2 (17m 54s):
This is Tony Robbins, ultimate success formula. And you can apply this to every area of your life. Know your
outcome, decide and take massive action. Step number three, evaluate your results. How did it go rate
yourself on a scale of one to 10, maybe send your client that you're even at, they're not a paid client, but
send your free client a post session evaluation, ask them to rate it, create a couple of questions. Say on a
scale of one to 10, how did you feel about this on this and this? And, and again, don't be afraid of criticism.
You're asking for this. One of the things that we need to do to be able to truly be successful.
2 (18m 34s):
We need to grow some thicker skin. I mean, isn't this exactly what we want to help our clients with. We want
to help them with their resiliency on life and all these other things. Let's let's number one become more
worthy of clients, paying us by doing the hard inner work ourselves. First, I will promise you if you will go
through all of these challenges, all of the rejection, all of the criticism, all of the falling on your face and doing
it over and over again, evaluate results. Go get to go to the people who taught you and say, this didn't work.
It's like, oh, did you do this? Oh, no, I never thought about that. Well, maybe try this and then go and try it
again, go and try it again.
2 (19m 16s):
And what you're looking for is make maybe two, five, 10, maybe 15 of these free sessions so that you can
test things. These things out, see if they're working. But again, all of these sessions are for the exact people.
You'd want to pay you. All right? And now what you've done is you've, you know what you want, you decided
and take action. You've done the work. Now you're evaluating your results. And as you evaluate your results,
you're always going to treat, tweak everything. Did I get my ultimate outcome? Am I hitting a 10 out of 10?
Am I getting paid for this? No. Well, let me evaluate my rate results and step four in this ultimate success
formula is change your approach as often as necessary.
2 (20m 1s):
So for those who are taking notes, here's the ultimate success formula from Tony Robbins. Know your
outcome. Step two, decide and take massive action. Step three, evaluate your results. Step four, change
your approach as often as necessary. Keep doing that until you have your paid clients where you're doing 10
out of 10 session sessions. And here's the other thing I want to talk about is a lot of people say, listen, I can't
invite people to these sessions because I just don't have the confidence to do so. You will never have the
confidence until you do so, because confidence is not required to get started.
2 (20m 45s):
Only courage is courage is what you need to start. Confidence only comes from taking action and finding out
that your worst fears did not come true.
1 (20m 59s):
This is so amazing. So w when a person takes your advice and I'm sensing that the people listening are
going to find the courage to take that advice, and they've worked with a few free clients, and I know a lot of
people are in this place already where they've worked with some, some free clients. However, I hope that
everyone listening is really tuning in when cliff says, make sure that it's your ideal client. It's that person that
you really want to be working with. And someone who is able to pay for your services when a person has got
to this point, how do they get past that next leap, finding the courage to start to ask for money in exchange
for their services? Sure.
2 (21m 36s):
So that it comes from the confidence of knowing the results that you got from helping the people that you did
the free sessions for. So this is one of the things that I would do is I would have, again, post session surveys
or post session conversations, check in with people two weeks later say, listen, what I'm going to do is I want
to check in with you in two weeks. And I'd like to have a 20 minute session with you. And I'd like to just ask
you a couple of questions about how your life has been since we had our session together, by the way, what
is, is, is that, or is that not a hypnotic suggestion? You and I are going to get together. And two weeks from
now, and in two weeks from now, you're going to tell me how much your life has changed.
2 (22m 20s):
I happened to, you've just created an, a suggestion for that person. And now they're going to, if they
acknowledge that and accept it and schedule that session two weeks from now, you've already programmed
their subconscious mind. Listen to me as if I know anything about hypnotism, we know you do. I know you
do so now you've programmed them to have results over the next two weeks. And so you're going to get on
there. And it's like, how, how have things been over the past? Oh my gosh, I've done more in the past two
weeks than I have, blah, blah, blah, blah. Wow. What does this mean for you financially? What does this
mean for you and your health and physical fitness? What does this mean for you and your relationship with
your spouse?
2 (23m 2s):
What does this mean for you in relationship with your children? Ooh. Now, now how much would you pay?
1 (23m 12s):
I tell people that when you document your aha moments, it really helps you better internalize those, those
ideas that you have. And I also tell people that you recreate what you celebrate. So by shining a spotlight on
the change that they received during that session, not only are you building up your own confidence, but
you're helping them to overcome what, what so many hypnotherapists struggle with, which is a lot of times
the client will get the change, but they don't really equate it to the session with you. So this helps them
understand that it was, it was your guidance that led them to that internal unlocking that, that they were
seeking. Yeah. So
2 (23m 49s):
This is, that's what I would say to that person who is just starting out. I would say, go do some free sessions
and do lots of them, but do them. I'm glad that you picked that up. Don't just do free sessions, do free
sessions for the type of person you want to ultimately pay you down the road. And then I love the, and so
then we've already covered. How do you get into the paid sessions? The paid session is now you just need
the courage to do it, but that courage is going to come based upon the confidence that you've now seen
results. You now know that people are, people have told you because of us working together. I am, I'm now
making a 15% more on my salary because I, when I asked for that raise, I am now generating, you know, an
extra $40,000 a quarter because of the new product that I launched, that I had a fear about.
2 (24m 44s):
But because of our session, you've done a Z people are telling you, or I've lost 20 pounds over the last three
months because of our session together. And that, what does that equate people are willing to pay for what
they want in life,
1 (24m 58s):
Right? So if I'm hearing you correctly, you would, you would go back to that client that you've helped for free
and say, Hey, this awesome thing happened. Do you want some more? And then this time there will be a
charge. Is that, am I understanding you correctly? Well, here's what are elegant than that.
2 (25m 16s):
So here's, there are a couple of things. Number one, you could just begin to do this just for the practice of
doing it. I mean, what we, what we want to do ultimately is we want to serve people. And that's what I would
do as just serve people. Whether or not those people ever become pay clients. I try to not be attached to that
at all. In fact, one of the things that I, I believe I should insert here, and it kind of goes into this whole
question, and maybe I should have said it at the beginning. One of the things that I would recommend that if
you are in any form of financial desperation, go get a job.
2 (25m 56s):
That's it, go get a job, do not anticipate or expect your hypnotherapy sessions to pay your bills or put food on
the table or meet your absolute survival needs. If you do that, there are a lot of issues that come from your
ability to achieve success. In those areas, you will, you should know enough about hypnotherapy to know
that you will Telegraph your desperation to people and people, people can sense that. And so the first thing
that I would say is go get a job, make sure your financial needs are met. Make sure that anytime you're
doing any session for anyone and especially if it's a free complimentary session, if you ever do anything, just
make sure that you never are in a position where I absolutely need this person to accept my proposal.
2 (26m 50s):
If you are in a position where you need the person in front of you to say yes, to meet your financial needs, go
get a job. That's my, I need to say that. I love it. And by the way, everything that I'm saying for you is this is
all the things that I've been teaching people who want to be coaches, right? And technically speaking a
hypnotherapist is, is a mindset coach. So I'm going to now tap in because you've asked this question, well,
what about these people? You've done free sessions, how you turn them into paid clients and, and what
have you. So I'm going to bring in the prosperous coach book by rich Litvin and Steve Chandler. This is such
a powerful way of building your professional practice, where you can be incredibly profitable.
2 (27m 36s):
And it requires no social media. It requires no mailing lists, no internet marketing, no podcasts, or any of
those other things. Now don't get me wrong. You can use all of those things. And those things will help you
along in many ways. But here's the simple process of the prosperous coach. Number one, you connect with
people to discern whether or not the person who happens to be in front of you. It just, at this very moment,
are they a potential coaching client or hypnotherapy client? All right. So that's the first is this person a
potential client? Now what determines that are they, have they expressed a need and hypnotherapy? No,
that's not what determines that maybe they have expressed a need in hypnotherapy.
2 (28m 17s):
It's like, Hey, I saw that you're a hypnotist. I'm in need of some hypnotherapy. And as you might think, well,
let's just move on into step two, invite them into a complimentary free session. Heck no, they need to
audition. Matter of fact, Laurie, let me tell you when my business radically transformed right after reading this
book in July of 2019, I had already been an online business since 2008 for myself self-employed and, and
I've also had experienced a tremendous amount of success. I've sold millions and millions of dollars worth of
products and services from 2008, all the way up through 2017 when this transformation had taken place.
2 (28m 57s):
But it was all using internet marketing sales, and you know, all of those funnels and all of this other stuff, get
people to know like, and trust you through the content that you create, which is fine. You know, I'm serving
people through that content. And then all of a sudden you want to put calls to actions out so that they can
come to your sales page, which you've expertly written and have, you know, split a B tested and all this other
stuff. And, and then you want them to sign up for the thing to, to get into your discovery session. And then
for 30 minutes, you're going to try to convince them that you're worthy of their investment. That's how I used
to do things. Oh, I hated that lifestyle.
2 (29m 38s):
So here's what I do today. I flipped the script. I no allow anyone to audition me, but I always audition
everyone else. I flipped the script. And so now when I'm on, for example, I've been using clubhouse to do my
connecting with people these days. And so I have a long list of, of what my client attributes are, by the way,
these might be helpful for hypnotherapists. So let me read to you mine and feel free to transcribe these and,
and the cool thing about a podcast. You can always go back a couple of seconds and, and listen to this, but I
am going to give you something that I took a very long time to come up with.
2 (30m 19s):
And I'm just going to give it to you for free right here right now. So I'm just going into my favorite client
attributes, my bullet point list. This is what I am when I'm connecting with somebody I'm evaluating, are they,
this are they, this are they this. And I want you to think every time they, every time they speak words, come
out of their mouth. I basically green check mark, or remember family feud and X, you get too many Xs. And
they're like, Nope. Okay, moving on. Okay. So here is my favorite client attributes. Number one has a desire,
the capacity and a willingness to serve others at the highest level.
2 (31m 1s):
Now, I want you to understand that there's three different qualifiers there having a desire to serve as
required, but it's not enough. I know many people who have a desire deserve serve, but they do not have the
capacity. Their life is so overwhelmed and full, and they just have no free time there. They literally have time
like brushing their teeth in the morning. Their life is so out of control. So they have a desire to serve. They
have a capacity. And another thing is, is you can have the desire and a capacity. And by the way, those are
both required to work with me. But, but that doesn't mean you have a willingness, you know, I can't begin to
tell you.
2 (31m 42s):
It's like, well, cliff, I, you know, yes, I, I have a desire to help people. And I have all of this capacity and stuff
like that, but you know what? I just don't want to waste my time. That's just not scalable serving people that
way. And you know, they, they, they have the desire. They have a capacity, but they don't have a willingness
to serve. And again, at the highest level, that's a qualifier as well. So that's a first thing. Anytime I'm thinking
about somebody, I might invite into one of my coaching sessions. They have to have all of that. Now the
second bullet point is going to sound very similar. It's like, well, isn't that what you just said? The next one is
a strong commitment to be of service to others.
2 (32m 28s):
Now, the thing is, is serving others at the highest level is one thing. And having a desire coMMpass capacity
and willingness to do it is one thing. But having a strong commitment that whatever it takes, I will be of
service to others. I'm looking for that. And that is separate from the other. I mean, these people, you can sh
they show up they're, they're encouragers. They, you, you just see that they're always doing something in
service to other people. They have a strong commitment to it. They never fail to show up and help whenever
there's an opportunity. And it aligns with who they are and their gifts, talents, and abilities, third bullet point.
And this'll be the last one that I number, cause these are not numbered and I'll eventually lose my numbering
2 (33m 10s):
So just being authentic is a high level thinker that gravitates towards a positive outlook on life. Basically I do
not like working with negative. Nellies a half glass empty pool. People are not my clients. I don't care. I don't
care how much money they want to put into my bank account. I will not work with somebody who is going to
emotionally drained me after my 90 session minute session with them. Wow. I just had to give every single
ounce of my life force to this person, just to bring them up to the level where they might be able to smile. I've
done that way too many times.
2 (33m 52s):
All right, next bullet point, there are a leader, even though they may not recognize that leadership is one of
their super power. So I'm not talking about a lever leader of an organization who, or who has the, the ne the
word leader in their title. But somebody who's a leader has people who follow them. So one of the things that
I like to do is do they have a social media presence and a leader, in my opinion, is somebody who posts
something and you look, and you see a couple of comments there, huh? That's a little indicator. I'm not
looking by the way at the number of people following, I'm looking at the quality of the engagement of the
following. All right. So the next one, high achiever, I serve high achievers.
2 (34m 32s):
I love high achievers. I'm one of them, by the way. So here's how I define that has achieved things that most
people would consider impossible. And sometimes they take for granted how special their achievements are.
Now, most of the high achievers that I serve have no idea that they're high achievers. They're just such high
achievers. They assume everybody achieves all the crazy stuff that they do. And it's like, well, I'm not
special. It's like, yeah, dude, if you only knew how special it is that you've been able to achieve this. And so I
love high achievers, whether they know they're higher achievers or not, I'm looking for somebody who, who
is willing to do things or has done things that most other people would consider to be impossible.
2 (35m 15s):
Lifelong learner. These are people who are devoted to unceasing personal and professional growth. One of
the easiest ways for me to do, Hey, tell me about a book or a podcast episode that recently transformed the
way that you think and what did you Mo what's the biggest takeaway? I just asked that question. I don't have
time to read. I don't like, okay, moving on. Okay. Next one. Marketable skills in abundance. I love working
with clients who have marketable marketable skills in abundance. One of my clients, one of my, actually one
of the top three highest paying clients who came to me recently, he's his number one thing he says, listen,
cliff, I need help because here's my issue.
2 (36m 2s):
I have so many gifts, skills and talents and abilities and all of these other things. It's kind of like, I'm a Jack of
all trades where I've only ever wanted to be excellent in one area of my life. And I'm like, listen, I'm not your
coach. And he's like, what do you mean? I said, because it's the fact that you have many different gifts,
talents, abilities, and skills that was given to you by God. And if, and, and the fact that you want to throw
away all of those gifts and be good at only one thing I can't help you with that. That's out of alignment with
what I'm called to do in this world. I'm here to help you become all you were created to be. And the fact that
you have all of these things means that you were created to have all of those skills.
2 (36m 44s):
What I'd like to do is help you to figure out a place where you can channel all of that to be everything you
want to be in any area of your life. Wow. He says, dude, you're hired. Wow, that, that that's an
oversimplification of our conversation. It was. But anyway, I want people with marketable skills and
abundance. And here's what I wrote about that because of their high-achieving nature, their commitment to
unceasing personal and professional growth, they have established a long list of skills that serve them and
do or could serve others at the highest level, by the way, Lori, one of the things, if you think about everything
I've shared on this bullet point list of my ideal customer and, and the ones that as I shared, the other bullet
points, what you're going to learn is I only want to invest in people where my investment in that person is
going to have residual benefits so that when I serve this person, I'm indirectly serving hundreds, thousands,
or tens of thousands.
2 (37m 41s):
And in some cases I have actually clients where I'm actually indirectly serving hundreds of thousands of
people. So I'm not here to help one person. I want to help people who are helping tens, hundreds,
thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands. That's who I serve this. And this is, and I'm not
suggesting that everyone who's listening needs to have these, but you have to have clarity about who it is
you want. So the next one, they're extremely coachable. They're able to receive an insight immediately and
see how that insight can be implemented for themselves. So this is real simple on when I'm, again, all of this,
I'm having these connecting conversations on clubhouse.
2 (38m 25s):
And so somebody will say something, they express a limiting belief and I'm like, well, have you ever thought
about this? What about this, this and this and that. And then all of a sudden, they go, oh, I never thought
about it. Oh. And they'll sit there for a moment. And I can tell what that person is doing is they're they're
actually, oh my gosh, whoa. Okay. I am going, this is going to change my life. Boom. That's when I know
somebody who's extremely coachable. I'm looking for those people. I'm looking for people who, who it's very
clear to see. And then the opposite of that is like, have you ever thought, oh yeah, I've tried that, that never
works for me. Blah, blah, blah.
2 (39m 5s):
I always do this. I always do. It's like E okay. They may be coachable, but I'm looking for people who are
extremely coachable. All right. Self-motivated self-starter I just don't want to be an accountability coach. I
don't like homework and homework is me saying, Hey, did you do what you said you were going to do?
That's not me. There's other people out there that can do that for you. They struggled to find others who are
performing in life at their level. This is one of my favorite client attributes. My, my clients are achieving life at
such a level. Their financial income is at such a level that, that if all of a sudden they got a little bit of a dip in
income and they were to share.
2 (39m 46s):
It's like, oh man, you know, I just, I just lost this client. And you know what? It looks like my income is going
to drop down to, I think I might, this might be the lowest I've had in five years. I might drop down to about
$27,000 a month. And it's like how many people in their life are able to relate to that and see it as an issue.
And if you're accustomed to generating 35, $40,000 a month and all of a sudden, because of things and you
drop down to $27,000 a month, you want people in your life that can understand that who are like, well,
gosh, I can't seem to get over $4,000 a month. I wish I had your problem. And there's nothing wrong with
people being different stations of life.
2 (40m 28s):
But one of the things that I love about having clients who struggle to find other people who are doing life at
their level is because they have heard and they live out, unfortunately, because they believe it's lonely at the
top. And one of the things that I love to do is dispel the, that is a false belief. It doesn't have to be lonely at
the top. It's only lonely at the top because somebody's told you repeatedly through your life that it's lonely at
the top. And because of that, you're living in alignment with that belief. And now you're alone. I want to tell
you, you can be in relationship with me. I can bring you into relationship with some other people who are
doing life in this level. I'm telling you there's a whole bunch of us out there. Come on in the water's good. All
right. So now, so what I've just done, Lori is, as I have shared with you and your audience, my client
attributes, was that valuable for you?
2 (41m 16s):
Do you think, and your, your audio
1 (41m 18s):
That's incredibly valuable. And I just want to let everyone listening, know that the transcript of this will be in
my website where this, where I put this video. So yeah, incredibly valuable, Claire, thank you so much.
2 (41m 30s):
So that alone is mind blowing because now, by the way, if you get any red X, when I'm connecting with
people, I'm asking questions that help me determine whether or not somebody gets a green check mark next
to each. And every one of these things, if there's anything that's said in a conversation that gets a red X, this
per, these are not the droids you are looking for. You know, I hear OB what, these are not the droids. You,
this is not the client you're looking for. And, and I, and I'm, I know it sounds crazy. And I had to deal with the
little bit of the mental baggage and the mindset. Hey, it's like, are you saying cliff, these people aren't worthy
of your time? No, I'm just saying these people are not my ideal customers.
2 (42m 12s):
These are not the people that are going to allow me to fulfill my mission and purpose in life. And my mission
and purpose in life is to re to radically profoundly impact this world by entertainment, education,
encouragement, inspiration. And originally I thought, well, maybe I want to personally reach millions and
millions and millions of people. And I'm at the place where, who knows maybe one day I will, but I don't care
right now. I want to reach about 20 to 35 people personally at a very deep level where through those 20 to
35 clients who were paying me, I want to reach millions and millions of people. And that's what I want.
2 (42m 52s):
And so I just got clear, this is what I want. Now I've decided that it's possible. I've decided I'm going to take
action or that I'm going to, I've decided this is what I will have. I've taken action. And then I, I went and
created products and services and I evaluated my results. And I actually live this lifestyle today. So now step
one of the prosperous coach method is connecting. And again, I'm connecting to evaluate, does this person,
is this person, did they have all of the attributes of a potential client for me? Then the question is, is do they
have something that they would need coaching on? And for me, this is super easy. And I L I love this, that
this PR this interview is so perfect because it fits into coaching.
2 (43m 34s):
So here's the question I ask when I'm connecting with people and it's going to be perfect for hypnotherapists
as well. What's one dream that you have currently that excites you or scares you the most.
1 (43m 50s):
I loved that.
2 (43m 53s):
I ask them what's what dream do you have right now that excites you and, or scares you the most. And in
that conversation, they're going to tell me what their dreams are, what their goals are. Obviously that
question pretty much establishes. There's something I want in my life that I don't currently have. There's
some presuppositions built into that question, right? And so now I tap into what their dream is, what their
goal is, what is it that they want to have in their life? That's not currently there now. I'm going to give away all
my secrets here, if you don't mind. So, so my next question is, let me ask you this. W how long do you think
it will take you to achieve that dream and some, oh, I don't know that I'll ever really dream it, you know, or
2 (44m 40s):
And so I that's, that's a, that's a potential for a coachable moment. We'll do it. Is there anybody else that, you
know, that have had that dream where it seemed impossible for them, and, but yet they actually live that
today. Oh yeah. It's like, see how I'm actually, this is, this is how this goes through. This is that whole
connecting phase. And then what I love to do after I find out, it's like, okay, well, I'd like to achieve this within
five to 10 years. Awesome, great. So now I know that there's something that they want, and I know how long
they feel like it would potentially take if they were to be able to achieve it. Now, here's my next question.
What's one, two or three activities or actions or behaviors or habits that you would need to start so that you
could get one step closer to achieving that dream.
2 (45m 30s):
What's one, two or three actions, activities, behaviors, habits that you need to begin implementing. And I just
have them start telling me, and again, all of this is happening on clubhouse, you know, so I'm not, and this is
happening in front of other people, by the way, I'm doing it now on clubhouse because of COVID. But I used
to do this when I'm sitting in the hallway with people, you know, people's like, Hey, is this your first time at
the conference? Yeah. It's my first time to this conference. Is this your first? Yes. Yeah. Hey, let me ask you a
question. What's the biggest dream that you have that excites you or scares you the most. And I, and I start
that face-to-face, so I've been doing these connecting conversations everywhere. So now I know what's one,
two or three actions that they know.
2 (46m 13s):
They already know that they should start doing these things, and I'm not telling them they're telling me. And
then I ask them the next question. What's one, two or three activities, actions, or behaviors or habits that you
need to put an end to. That's holding you back from getting closer to this dream. And I let them tell me, and
then I write them down. Now, the next thing I ask them is I go to the first thing that they know they need to
start. Why haven't you started this already? And now what they're going to do is they're going to give me a
list of excuses.
2 (46m 53s):
And I don't work with people in excuses, but I do work with people in limiting beliefs. And an excuse is
nothing more than a limiting belief, excuse equals limiting belief. So all I'm doing is I'm working through the
conversation. What do you want? Why don't you have it? Boom. Now I have your limiting beliefs. Now at this
point, I'm I I've determined. Are, do they have, are they my potential client, blah, blah, blah. So now step one
is I've connected. Step two is if they qualified through this step in the auditioning process, now I might invite
them into a complimentary 90 minute coaching experience with me.
2 (47m 36s):
All right. So now I'm going to invite them into this complimentary coaching experience. However, I, I don't
always make it super easy now, every now and then I'm like, oh my gosh, I have, I so want to work with this
client. And I'll just like, let's get on a call tomorrow. You can book it here. Right? So, so occasionally, but most
of the time I would even want to audition them through the invitation process. As I do this, especially on
clubhouse, maybe I'm wearing some rose colored glasses, and there are some things that I didn't see in this
conversation. So one of the things that you might hear me do, if you actually follow me closely enough on
clubhouse, I'll say, here's what I'll tell you. Go and read this book or go, go buy this digital training tutorial or
this, this audio product from Tony Robbins.
2 (48m 24s):
Listen to it two times within the next three weeks or re go read this book twice within the next two weeks. If
you do that, reach out to me and I will offer you a free 90 minute coaching session with me. And I'll answer
every question you have related to it. So again, I'm giving them an assignment now, Laurie. So let's just say I
met somebody on clubhouse. I've been doing this co you know, what's your biggest dream? What is it that
you want to do? What's holding you back and all this other stuff. I really think this book is going to be the
answer to most of your issues. And I'd love to serve you beyond this conversation here.
2 (49m 5s):
I'll tell you what I'd love to offer you a gift, a free complimentary 90 minute one-on-one coaching session with
me, but there's a caveat. You actually have to go get this book and read it twice. Within the next two weeks,
you write down a list of all your questions. After you finished the book. The second time you reach out to me,
I will then respond to you and send you a link to schedule the call. Now the call does not get scheduled until
after they've done the assignment. Now, if they, if I don't hear from them, do you, how many times do you
think I reach out to them to follow up and say, Hey, did you do that?
1 (49m 39s):
What you just said, you don't like to be an accountability, buddy. I am
2 (49m 42s):
Not an accountability coach. So I never, I don't even write their name down. I don't write. They're not enough
followup list. There are nowhere. I just, I ran it. It's crazy. I get direct messages on Instagram, Facebook
messenger, and I get emails every week. Hey cliff, three weeks ago, you told me if I did this, you would give
me a 90 minute session. Why I've done it. And I can't wait to talk. And then I'm like, I don't even remember
that person's name. And I do take notes on the conversation. So when I'm in clubhouse, I, I fill out all sorts of
notes about everything. So I can go back and look for that person, but I don't have a follow-up system for
2 (50m 23s):
But then if they reach out, they've actually made it through the next stage, in the audition process. People
who don't go read the book, the people who don't reach out to me, they just, they, they literally fail that part
of the audition. By the way, the auditioning set stuff is not in the prosperous coach at this. These are some
nuances I've added to it. So that's step one was connecting. Step two is invitation. Now step three in the
prosperous coach method is creating a client and creating a client is simply giving them an experience of the
type of transformation that you can bring into their life as if they were your highest paid client.
2 (51m 3s):
So typically the prosperous coach method is through two complimentary sessions. So for me, how this works
is I get into that first call. And I would say, Lori, it's been great to connect with you and stuff like this. I'm
thrilled that you've read the book and, and stuff like that. I'm here for the next 90 minutes. Are you, by the
way, let me just share with you some things that I actually do as well. This is a be helpful to people. The first
thing I say is, are you distraction-free for the next 90 minutes? And well, cliff, I really was. You know, and by
the way, they can't even, they actually have to sign an agreement on the scheduling thing so they can
choose the thing.
2 (51m 44s):
But there's a little agreement that has to be checked and says, I'm sorry, you haven't checked the agreement
yet. And the agreement says, I am 100% committed to being in a distraction, free environment for our 90
minute call. And they can't book it unless, and by the way, I've had somebody says, cliff, I'm really sorry, but
my wife had to go and do this. So I have my kids in the room. I hope that's okay. And I said, it's not. So w if
you don't mind, I'm just going to go ahead and shoot you a link. So you can schedule another call or, you
know, in a couple of weeks from now or something like that, because I, I will not do a call. That's not
distraction-free nor should, especially a hypnotherapist. So are you, distraction-free the second thing that I
asked them is may I have permission to be your coach?
2 (52m 28s):
And because in the prosperous coach, it says you should never coach without permission. And I even say
before you say yes, let me tell you what that means. I want permission to say things to you or to ask you
questions that will challenge you at the deepest level. And then the next thing that I asked them on that first
call is we have 90 minutes together, but I promise you this, our time will fly by. I do five of these calls every
single week. So I need permission to do one other thing. I don't, I hope that I don't have to do it, but chances
are, I may, occasionally, may I have permission to cut you off mid sentence as often as necessary to direct
you in our conversation so that we can make the most of our time together?
2 (53m 15s):
Cause I, I there's some storyteller, I'm one of them. I mean, how much have you even spoken in this
podcast? Lauria,
1 (53m 22s):
I'm so excited right now. I love this.
2 (53m 25s):
The, so, so that's the third thing. And then the fourth one, I talk about moments of silence. And of course it
hypnotherapy is going to be different, but, but for coaching, I, I talk about the fact, Hey, I want you to know
I'm going to be writing down notes. As you're saying things I'm jotting down and trying to transcribe as many
word for word statements that you say, because we're going to, we're going to talk about language and the
importance of language and stuff like that. And the other thing is I'm going to be listening to you. And the,
and one of the things that I'm going to attempt to not do is be thinking while you're talking, thinking about
what I want to say next. And so I may have to wait until you're finished speaking for me to sit in for a moment
and just process what you just said, and then to check in with myself and see where we want to go next.
2 (54m 8s):
So there may be some moments of silence. I don't think that they need to be awkward, but if you find that
they get a little too awkward, feel free to continue talking. And then I asked the most important question of all
I say. Let's just assume that you're my potential client. I say, Lori, let me ask you the most important question
of the day, what is it that you and I need to talk about during the remainder of our 90 minutes together so that
this conversation will be a conversation you will never forget for the rest of your life. Right? And then I let
them tell me, and by the way, what have, is there some autosuggestion in, in that question,
1 (54m 53s):
Big time for the script there? Yes.
2 (54m 59s):
And I'm also saying, listen, I'm actually, I am making the suggestion that first of all, this call today is going to
be so freaking incredibly powerful. You're never going to forget this conversation for the rest of your life. I've
just planted that seed in your mind. And if you give me an answer to that question, your subconscious mind
took it as true. Yes. I love this stuff. I
3 (55m 25s):
Should, I should become
2 (55m 27s):
A hypnotherapist. So anyway, so that's what I do. And then I'd be, I just begin to coach them. You know, I tap
into those, those acts, you know, we talk, talk more, we'll expand more on their dream. We'll get leverage
about creating a vision for it. What do they want? Why do they want it getting some leverage on that
associating pain and pleasure to it, talking about those actions, blowing away, limiting beliefs. And by the end
of our 90 minutes together, they're just like, their mind has just like insight after this. So I get at the end of the
call, by the way, occasionally just like occasionally many times when I'm connecting with people, I never
invite them because they, they didn't fit the qualifications of what my characteristics of an ideal client are.
2 (56m 13s):
Then I do invite some people and some people never make it to our first call cause they never follow through
on the assignment. Right. There are some times then I have that. I'll actually have this entire minute
experience with somebody. And at the end of that first call, I'm like, you know what, there, there are a couple
of red flags here that indicate this isn't, this is not the client you're looking for. And so at the end of that call
and it's like, Hey, do you remember that this was a 90 minute? Or that this conversation is a gift from me.
There's no invoice for this, no expectation or obligation you'll ever be a co-pay client. Yes. Wonderful. I just
want to let you know that that's absolutely. It it's been my honor to serve you. Thank you so much.
2 (56m 54s):
And, and by the way, just real quickly, before we go, what's one, two or three insights that you've received
during our conversation today, what's one, two or three actions you're going to take over the next two weeks.
That's awesome. You know what, I'd love to invite you to reach out to me with a DM or an email, just to, just
to check in two weeks from now and tell me the results that you get. I'd love to celebrate that with you and
that's it. Now that's for somebody who didn't, who made it all the way through the auditioning process of
connecting through the auditioning process of invitation and they made it all the way into a 90 minute
session. But at the end of that 90 minute session, I'm like, I'm just feeling this isn't my ideal client. You know,
this isn't, this isn't what I thought it would be.
2 (57m 36s):
And so I just, I serve them and, and I, I served them powerfully, but then I just say, thank you for the
opportunity, but let's just say that it's like, okay, there's another green check mark here. So at the end of that
call, I simply say what's one, two or three insights that you received from our conversation today. What's
one, two or three actions you're going to take as a result of these insights over the next two weeks. Well, I'll
tell you what I am absolutely invested at this point. And I'm excited about what you're going after. It would be
an honor to check in with you two weeks from now, just to see how things are going. Would you be
interested in a second complimentary 90 minute coaching experience with me two weeks from today?
2 (58m 19s):
Now, how many people do you think say no to me at this point, nobody has ever said no to me. So I would
go ahead and book that second call right then and there two weeks later, how things going? Oh, it's been,
I've done more in the past two weeks than I have in the past two years, 10 years, whatever in my lifetime is
awesome. And then I say, well, what would we need to discuss today to make today yet another
conversation you'll never forget for the rest of your life. And we, I served them for 90 minutes. And at the end
of that conversation tip by the way, there are still some people who make it through to the end of that call.
And then I, then I get that little whisper inside that says, this is not the client you're looking for.
2 (59m 1s):
You know, or this client doesn't need you by the way. So by the way, any, any of you who've ever had a
one-on-one session with me and I didn't invite you to a second one. It's not that always that you weren't the
exact ideal customer, but sometimes it's like, listen, I think I helped this person with what they need. I, I
really genuinely don't think they need me. So that is a possibility as well. So, or not necessarily needed
because I don't think anybody needs me. I think we all have everything within ourselves if we truly dig for it.
But you know, whether or not I feel like that, you know what I'm talking about.
4 (59m 35s):
Yes. So
2 (59m 37s):
Let's get to the person who made it all the way to the second call. So by the way, at the very beginning of
those calls, I oftentimes say at the beginning of them, Laurie, do you remember when I invited you to this
first session that I said, this is a gift it's complimentary, there's going to be no invoice and no expectation, no
obligation that you'll ever be, be a paid client. Great. I just needed to get that way, that out of the way first.
And then I go to those other things that I told you at the beginning of the second call, I will oftentimes start
the second call. Hey, do you remember that this call just like the first one, this is a gift you will receive no
invoice for this. There's no expectation or obligation you'll ever become a pay client. I usually say that at the
beginning of the second call as well, then I get to the end of the second call and we move into step four of
the prosperous coach method.
2 (1h 0m 25s):
And there are only four steps it's called the proposal. All right. And so this is how it works. And it's so
ingenious. I love this so much. So I get to the end of this 90 minute session. We're probably about fifth, 10 or
15 minutes near that we've got left in the session. And I say, let me ask you this at this point, let me check in
with you. What's one, two or three insights that you've gotten out of our conversation today. What's one, two
or three actions you're going to take over the next two weeks as a result of these insights. Wonderful. I want
to ask you this again in the, and the reason why I ask will be evident in just a moment, but do you remember
once again that this is a gift that this has been a complimentary session?
2 (1h 1m 8s):
No invoice, no expectation, no obligation, no strings attached. And they say yes, cliff, I totally, I get it.
Wonderful. Keep that in mind. As I ask you this next question, would you like to have a conversation right
now? What it would about what it would be like for you and I to have an ongoing paid coaching relationship?
And by the way, before you say anything, no is perfectly acceptable to me, but they only accept clients who
say, hell yeah.
1 (1h 1m 40s):
And that's how I do it. Wow. You have just given us such a gift with this cliff. I'm so grateful. I was in
clubhouse the other day when you outlined this and you went in even more depth here. And I just feel like
my audience and myself have hit the jackpot with this. And I promise you, I will be going through and not
only reading the transcript, but taking notes myself, because you have just given us such incredible gems. I
have two follow up questions. Are you okay on time? If you're taking a more minutes, plenty of time.
Awesome. So my first question is, do you, and this is just kind of my own curiosity. Do you record these calls
if you're doing them over zoom so that they can go back through and oh
2 (1h 2m 19s):
Yes. So every complimentary call that I have, every coaching call that I do on zoom is being recorded. And I
actually send right after every call. I, well actually every call that has moved to the next step. So if it's
somebody that I'm inviting to a second session, everybody that I'm invited or any paid client, I always follow
up here is a, here is a bullet point list of the insights that you said that you received here are the actions that
you stated that you were going to take. Here's a link where you can download the audio recording of our
conversation. And I just want to remind you that your next call is scheduled on such and such blah, blah,
blah. And I've already scheduled it for you.
1 (1h 3m 0s):
Beautiful. And then my next question, I've, I've noticed that as a hypnotist, when I have experienced the
protocol myself, I'm so much more congruent in delivering it to someone else. And I feel like that rings so
true in the coaching industry where a person who wants to coach often has their own coach. And so I'm just
curious about your own journey with, with coaches and what that's been like for you maybe, maybe past and
2 (1h 3m 27s):
Sure. Well, as far as coaches are concerned, there are a couple things that are interesting in my journey. I
have always been blessed with the most incredible mentors in my life. So the people who I would dream of
being mentors, you know, most people say, listen, you can find somebody that you, that really resonates with
you or that you resonate with and, and read their books. And they can kind of be this, you know, kind of
impersonal mentor and they can speak wisdom and encouragement to you. The crazy thing is, is every
single person I've ever chosen as a mentor, that's alive with the exception of Tony Robbins has actually
become a full fledged, close personal friend and mentor of mine.
2 (1h 4m 10s):
So I have access to Michael Hyatt, Dan Miller, Leo LaPorte, and I could name rich, rich Litvin, by the way,
just I have the most incredible gift. And it's, it's something that God has just done over and over again. And I
would imagine Tony is going to reach out to me soon and say, listen, I I've heard about how many, you know,
people you've sent my way. And Tony's just going to say, listen, I'd just love to bring you under my wing and
just offer you a session every now and have no idea,
1 (1h 4m 39s):
But you'd be lucky to have me. Oh yes.
2 (1h 4m 42s):
So, but the thing is, is so those people that my coaches are Dan Miller, Michael Hyatt, and Leo LaPorte and
rich Litvin. And some of these other people that are doing the things at a higher level than where I currently
am. And then in 2010, I started a weekly mastermind group with pat Flynn. Do you know who pat Flynn is?
Pat Flynn is. Yep. So pat and I started, what's called the green room mastermind. It wasn't called that when
we first started, but it, but we started that together, just pat and myself in October, 2010, pat and I met
together every week since 2010 and then other people who are there, if you've ever heard of Michael
Stelzner from social media marketing world or social media examiner.
2 (1h 5m 27s):
So he's, he's in our weekly mastermind group, there's Ray Edwards expert professional copywriter. He's in
our mastermind group, Leslie Samuel from become a blogger. And then there's Mark Mason, who has late
night internet marketing, which is just a little side, little hobby of his. And he happens to be a very senior
position. A senior corporate officer in a major global semiconductor company is all I'll say, so that's the six of
us. So those people are, are, are my coaches as well. And I also invest, and this is not, I, I hesitate to say
this, but I think it's important to say it just to know how I'm able to do and accomplish all the things that I do.
2 (1h 6m 8s):
I invest somewhere between three times five, 15, 20, about 30 to 40 hours a week in personal and
professional growth and development.
1 (1h 6m 20s):
You and I have talked about that a little bit before, and it's, it's one of the things that, to me that comes
across just being in the clubhouse with you. And when you speak, you can, you can just feel that wisdom
bubbling up from inside. And it's, it's such a gift. I, I you're, you're making a real difference in the world and
I'm very, very grateful for you.
2 (1h 6m 40s):
Well, I appreciate that. And you know, I, I, I used to do that for a source of significance and stuff like that.
And of course, as you probably heard me talking about lately, I've had a major spiritual kind of real
awakening back in October of last year. And, and I, I just realized that, you know, this is just who I've been
called to be in this world. And I don't think everybody needs to invest 30, 40 hours a week into personal
growth and development. It's just what I desire. And I used to, it used to be tangled up with a, with a sense of
significance. I wanted people to think I'm special and all this other stuff. And I gotta tell you how freeing it is
to be done with all of that and still be able to do this because it actually is of service to others.
2 (1h 7m 20s):
One of my favorite things about it, Laurie is the fact that every single time you'll ever have a conversation
with me, you'll never be talking to the same person. I'm, I'm always someone new because with a C, this is
what I love about insight coaching and you, and you can introduce this through hypnotherapy as well. I am
sure it's a part of hypnotherapy is what you're doing is programming new insights in different ways and filters
of seeing the world, right? And one of the things, it just takes one insight, one simple insight. Once you
actually have that shift, you will never be able to experience life the same. You're a different person. And I
just, I, I love, I love having 10, 15, 20 of those insights a day.
2 (1h 8m 3s):
It's kind of awesome. I think that, that one that was hyperbole, it's usually maybe one or two insights a day.
1 (1h 8m 13s):
That's good. I feel like that. I feel like that would hurt my brain to go 15 or 20.
2 (1h 8m 17s):
It, yeah, I can get caught up in hyperbole, but I usually call, I usually call out the hyperbole when it exists so
that I so far, I think that's the only hyperbole that I've, I've shared so far in this conversation. I love
1 (1h 8m 30s):
It. Cliff, will you, is there anything before, before we start moving towards wrapping up that I haven't asked
you, or you haven't shared, that just is in your heart to share,
2 (1h 8m 41s):
You know, one of the things that you had mentioned is, is you want to tolls and encouragement for helping
others to realize that there are enough and that it's okay to take action. And you want to know something.
First of all, there, there is quote unquote enough and worthiness that has nothing to do with our professional
skills, talents, and abilities, and all of that other stuff. I just want to say, number one, you in and of yourself
are enough and you and in, and of yourself are absolutely worthy of success as much as any other person
on this planet. Now, with that being said, and I promise you, this is encouragement. You may not be enough
professionally and that's okay.
2 (1h 9m 23s):
You never will be, unless you take actions. There are plenty of things that I'm able to do today that I would've
never been able to do 15 years ago, because some of the things that I do today have come as a result of the
painful life lessons of many times, failing miserably in front of a, an entire world full of people. And I'm talking
about, I've done some pretty stupid things in front of hundreds of thousands of people. And, and it, you know
what people often ask me in interviews, they say, cliff, if you could go back and change anything, what's one
thing that you would do. And I, and, and some people have a hard time actually, listen, I would never change
a single thing.
2 (1h 10m 4s):
I am who I am today because of all of the great things I've done, but I'm, I am every bit as much of who I am
today because of every stupid idiotic mistake, arrogant, you know, thing that I've done or said everything I
got shot. I almost killed myself after my first year of full-time employment because of my lack of mindset
control and everything like that. And working around the clock and almost died in the hospital, lost my glow
gallbladder and all this other stuff. And you know what? I wouldn't even change that. I wouldn't change. I
wouldn't change a single minute of my first year because I know all of the pain and suffering that comes from
all of those mindset issues.
2 (1h 10m 50s):
And it's one of the things that led me to pursue this emotional intelligence and mindset control and controlling
yourself and self control mindset things. And man, the, the number of ways that I'm able to empathize with
people. I, I value the pain and suffering from failed attempts, as much as I do the sick, the, the, of success
when I've accomplished a new goal.
1 (1h 11m 18s):
And I love that you couple that, that empathy and that compassion with a no BS, like calling people out on
their ability to come up, to find that courage to come up to the next level.
2 (1h 11m 28s):
Yeah, absolutely. It's like, you know what? I'm just afraid. I'm not enough maybe or not, but how would you
become enough? You know, read a book, take a course, get that certification, whatever. But, but here's what
I will tell you. None of those things are ever going to get you to change the things you have to start taking
some actions along with it. And that's why if you go back to that ultimate success formula, it's such a
beautiful thing. I've used it in every area of my life. What a gift to the world Tony Robbins has given us with
the, I mean, it's a four step formula, know your outcome, decide and take action, evaluate your results. And
just imagine this, Laurie, do you have children? I do.
2 (1h 12m 8s):
Okay. How many of your children walk all of them? So was there ever a time when, so basically when, when
you, one day you woke up and said, listen, on the to-do list, teach child number one to walk. And so boom,
your child wa went and started walking that day straight forward, right? No, no. They started crawling and,
and, and they started doing that thing where they're holding themselves up, both hands on the table and
they're still wobbly in both hands on the table. And then eventually they get so good and they do the one
hand waddle, and then they just like fall over sideways and, and it's, and then they start walking.
2 (1h 12m 49s):
And I would imagine that eventually there might have been a, maybe a bruise where they knocked their, their
arm or their head, or it's like, they got the little bumps. Have you ever had the knot that grows about an inch
off the head? You know, it's like, listen, at what point do you finally say to your child, listen, walking probably
isn't meant for you. You know, let let's, let's just, let's just make life simple for you. You're going to be my one
child that will crawl through life. You're a crawler. That's okay. You don't have what it takes to walk in life.
That's baloney. Now are there people without born without limbs, Nick Voya church, by the way, has no
arms, no legs and has written five New York times bestsellers, which he typed himself.
2 (1h 13m 39s):
Go get that one. Come on. You can walk. We can all walk. And this is what I love about that approach.
Change your, evaluate your results and change your pro pro approach as often as necessary. I want you to
know just like one day you learned how to walk it. Might've taken you a couple of bruises and a couple of
one inch bumps off your forehead before you figured it out. But ultimately you learned how to walk and you'll
learn how to get paid clients as well. That's my thoughts.
1 (1h 14m 8s):
Thank you so much, cliff, will you let the listeners know the best way to follow up the best way to follow you
and engage with you from here out? And will you say a little bit about clubhouse? Just because I think this is
we're still by the time this airs, this doesn't air for a couple of months. Hopefully a lot more people will be out
there, but I have a feeling it's just such a beautiful platform and I'd love for you to talk more about that.
2 (1h 14m 32s):
Sure. So clubhouse, by the way, is an audio only live engagement platform with folks. So just like these
audio podcast, you're listening to these conversations and it's prerecorded and you can listen to it whenever
you want. And I love podcasting. I've been doing it since 2005 and it, I think it's awesome, especially I love
the audio only aspect of it because you can listen to it anywhere you want, and you don't have to worry
about, you know, looking at a screen, you could be driving and all these other things you could be out for a
walk, washing the dishes. The cool thing about clubhouse is that it's audio only as well. And so you don't
have to get all dressed up and make sure that your hair is fixed and all these other nice things you don't
have to worry about if you've shaved in the last three or four days, you know, because we're all home for
COVID or whatever, you just get on this platform.
2 (1h 15m 22s):
And you just have conversations with people. And sometimes they are conversations around a niche topic
such as this, and you can get up on stage and raise your hand and ask questions and engage. And it's just
such an incredible platform. I encourage people to check it out. I have an [email protected]
slash clubhouse, which has all sorts of different insights into what clubhouse is articles on everything you
need to know, not only to consume on clubhouse, but to be how, how to become an expert. Moderator is all
there. And then regardless of when people are listening or watching this recording, I have my own strategy.
2 (1h 16m 2s):
My schedule is there. So if you go to mindset, answer It says when my rooms are, and
if that changes, I'll, I'll just go and update my schedule on that page. So I would encourage people to check
out clubhouse. It is an incredibly awesome platform for authentic, genuine conversations. And the cool thing
is, is no matter what your topic is, I know that Lori will be on this platform. She'll have all sorts of rooms to
talk about hypnotherapy and how to grow your business, how to overcome the imposter monster and all that
other stuff. So, yeah, there's that. And then the other question you asked me, how can people keep in touch
with me or find out more about the stuff that I've got going on? I did this conference called free the dream
conference prior to COVID.
2 (1h 16m 47s):
I did it for two years. We'll do more of them in the future. I'm sure, but I want to give everybody an
opportunity to hear about my first year in business. It's it's one thing to hear, you know, gosh, cliff, man, he
seems like everything's, he's got it all together and he's got all this stuff figured out and stuff like that. I'd love
for you to hear what I just hinted at about in my first year. So if you go to mindset, answer
mindset answer You'll see a 92nd video clip from my opening keynote address on my free to
drink conference, where you will say, see me, tear up three, $100 bills and throw them in the trash.
2 (1h 17m 26s):
And if that captures your attention, I will teach you how you and I, if we don't have the right mindset about
money and work and all these other things you will learn about my first year in business and how I made a
routine habit of throwing money and trash in the trash all the time. And it's, it is one of those internet
marketing things. So at the bottom of the list, you can put your name and email address in, and then you'll
get instant access to my one hour opening keynote address. And not to mention the fact that you'll learn
about how to discover and eliminate limiting beliefs. So yeah, there's that. And of course, if you don't, if you
don't like the email newsletter that comes every Monday after that just hit on subscribe, my feelings will
never be hurt.
1 (1h 18m 10s):
Yeah. And I highly recommend taking cliff cliff up on that offer because I, I watched that talk and it was
life-changing. That's why I talked about notes of appreciation now and give you credit. And I love your emails
that follow up. So I highly recommend anyone listening goes and does that. And you'll find the links in the
notes below the show. Cliff, thank you so much. I'm so grateful to you, my friend, you have given myself and
my audience a tremendous gift.
2 (1h 18m 37s):
Well, you have given me an incredible gift, not only to be able to spend this time with you, Lori, which I have
so appreciated every connection and engagement I've ever had with you on clubhouse and surrounding it,
but also what a gift sincerely. I mean this, because I've, I've been a podcast answer, man, for more than 12
years, I don't do that today, but I know what it means to build a loyal audience around your passion and to
curate content and to have a community of people that come to know like, and trust you. And to have you
invite me to be a guest on your show and for you to say, Hey guys, this is somebody I think you should listen
to what an honor. That is. So thank you so much for that gift.
2 (1h 19m 18s):
Thank you.
0 (1h 19m 20s):
I'm so grateful. You've listened all the way to the end. What is one tiny action step you'll take now based on
an aha moment you got during the podcast, maybe that life changing action step is to come accept the gift I
have for [email protected]. Head there right now to get your powerful, hypnosis audio, the
answer room that lets you make important decisions and get crystal clear about your next step forward on
this path of purpose in your one. Great and precious life.