Workshops That Work


Discover How to Build a 6-Figure Business Doing Group Hypnosis Sessions


These are my earnings over a one month period when I did my "Time is an Illusion" training. 👇🏼

(And my business expenses are very low since I work from home and spend $0 on marketing.)

These are my earnings for 1 year. There's never been a year when I made less than 6 figures after learning the secrets I teach in Workshops that Work. 👇🏼

 I'm not showing you this to brag.

I'm showing you so you know ...

If I can do this, so can you.

Get on the Waitlist

Learn the step-by-step process to creating a 6 figure business.

  • How to let LOTS of people know you're here. (You can't sell if nobody knows you exist.)

  • How to talk to those people in a way that makes them want to sign up.

  • The non-overwhelming way to create the webpage that lets them sign up (so you automatically get money.)

  • How to decide exactly what content to put in the session itself to ensure people are blown away by the value (whether it's a hypnosis session or a training).

  • How to find the confidence and stick-to-itiveness to follow through to the end.

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As soon as you click that blue button I'll send you an email that tells you the price so you'll know exactly what to expect.

What if THIS is the guidance you've been waiting for?

I'll always be gentle with your email address. Unsubscribe anytime. 💙